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Writing Your 1st Children's Book
Welcome To This Course
Module One: Choose Your Book Title
Choosing a Great Book Title
Module Two: Write the Contents of the Books
Lesson One: Thinking of a Brilliant Idea
Lesson Two: Will You Have a Dedication Page?
Lesson Three: Who is Your Target Audience?
Lesson Four: What Do I Want My Readers To Learn Or Know After Reading My Book?
Lesson Five: Always Include a Copyright Page
Module Three: Write Out How You Want The Book Illustrated
Lesson One: Gathering The Details
Lesson Two: What Will Your Characters Look Like?
Creating Your Secondary Character
Lesson Three: Find Someone To Illustrate Your Book
Module Four: Formatting Your Book
Finding Someone To Format Your Book
Module Five: Self-Publishing Your Book
Find a Publication Company
Module Six: Promote Your Book
Creating a Website
Creating Social Media Accounts
Test Your Knowledge
End-of-Course Quiz
Lesson One: Gathering The Details
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